Become a Signatory
The "Euro-Mediterranean Charter for Equality of woman and men in local life" intends to extend the good practice established by the European Charter drawn up in 2006 upon the initiative of CEMR (Council of European Municipalities and Regions)
The local and regional authorities, as the governments closest to the people, can play a leading role in fighting and eradicating inequalities and in building a more just society. Being part of the Euro-Med Charter Movement supports them in this task by providing tools, recognition, networking and lobby opportunities to make their commitment for gender justice more and more powerful!
Be part of the Change
Who is Elegible
The Euro-Med Charter is open to all levels of local governance: towns, cities, governorates, willayas, regions.
How to Join
As soon as your local/regional authority has formally agreed to join the Charter, a signed and completed copy of the Signatory Form, (formulaire francaise), (Formulario italiano) together with the Information Form, (Info français) (Info Italiano) should be sent to the Secretariat of COPPEM at
When to Join
The Charter can be signed at any time: it's never too late to adopt it!
The Benefits for local Authorities
Euro-Med Charter signatories find a number of reasons to join our gender justice movement!
See some advantages herein below!