#ThinkOnIt! Without Equal Parts We Cannot Be Whole is an international campaign leaded by COPPEM in partnership with well known associations and Local Governments.
Discover the campaign in detail and download visual material to join it!

In cooperation with CEMR/Platforma, CPMR, UCLG-Africa, Region of Sicily and Fidapa BPW Sicily, COPPEM is launching the #ThinkOnIt Without Equal Parts We Cannot Be Whole awareness raising campaign. A visual gender equality campaign for dissemination on social media which will be officially launched on December 16th in Palermo. The campaign will last two weeks in which euromed institutions, non state actors and individuals can joint the campaign and make the voice of equality be heard louder!
The focus of the awareness campaign shows faces of men and women which are half-obscured to convey the idea of incompleteness, thus conveying the message that gender equality is the only way to be fully oneself in one's wholeness (in terms of rights, opportunities, skills, desires, inclinations and so on).
We have deliberately chosen December 16th to "de-seasonalise" the topic of gender discrimination as the latter affects women every single day of their lives and not only a couple of day each year.
Go! Download campaign materials and help us to keep the world focused on Gender Equality!