Local transports are places where women often soffer sexual harassments or assault. Local Authorities may play their role at the best to support women and combat this kind of gender-based violence.

Public transports are among the most dangerous places for women to be sexually harassed.
In some countries (Iran, India, Malaysia, Japan, Brazil, among others) sexual segregation is extended in trains and undergrounds as an attempt to reduce sexual harassment and assault.
In the Euro-med region, Egypt is the country where segregation areas in trains are in use, whilst, about ten years ago, Jeremy Corbyn proposed to consider women-only carriages in the UK.
Beyond the consideration on the measure - sometimes welcomed by women, sometimes considered as a symptomatic of inequality - it highlights a real problem with which women couple daily: the lack of safety and the risk of sexual assault or harassment during their travels.
Particularly critical is the sector of rideshare: in USA, where the service is widespread, statistics on assault in such means of transports underline the range of the phenomenon.
Alarming data from US, were reasons behind a parliamentary question at the European Parliament in 2022.
Recently, “Helping Survivors”, an American association helping sexual assault victims, published a useful video-guide for women who have suffered assault in uber and/or other kind of rideshare.
"Beyond the consideration on the measure - sometimes welcomed by women, sometimes resented as symptomatic of inequality - it highlights a real problem with which women couple daily: the lack of safety and the risk of sexual assault or harassment during their travels."
And local governments? Beyond the controversial sexual segregation, what can they do to support women’s right to travel safe?
Many are the measures mayors may put into practice. They include:
Increasing security at bus stops and undergrounds
For instance, improving light system in the stops and their neighbourhood to make women feel safer. To the same purpose and to prevent and/or prosecute attacks, local institutions can consider installing video surveillance systems in the stop areas.
Increasing security on the means
by ensuring the presence of trained agents or local transport staff in stations and/or on the bus/train who can promptly intervene.
Increasing stops
increasing on-demand stops in certain part of the city and in certain time will allow users to get off closer to their destinations, feeling safe and reducing the risk of an aggression.
Training staff
By providing specialized training targeting public transport staff and aiming at recognizing and dealing with harassment on buses.
Raising people awareness
Common awareness is also important to make people commit themselves to be active in case they are witnesses of sexual harassment during their local travels.
