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SETTING THE SCENE: EU and Gender Equality in the time of Recovery


Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions is a network working for a balanced territorial development. On the initiative of the Basque Country, the CPMR Political Bureau of 11 June 2020 voted in favour of the creation of the CPMR Task Force on Gender-Related Issues. Representatives of COPPEM and the Department for Extra-Regional Affairs of the Sicilian Region are appointed as members of the task force by the Sicilian Governor so they attended to the online organized by the CMPR task force yesterday, 24 September 2021, in order to focus ongoing living conditions of women and girls in Europe after the pandemic and define possible objectives for the future, in light of the Recovery.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the European institutions (European Commission, European Parliament, European Institute for Gender Equality) and members of the task force (in addition to COPPEM, among others, also the Region of Valencia, the Region of Murcia, Catalonia, County Donegal).

Two thematic sessions. During the first, the representatives of the European institutions explored the tools and measures developed by the EU and made available to citizens and regional and state institutions in order to ensure gender equality in view of the recovery from the pandemic crisis.

Finally, in the second part of the meeting, some good practices and successful strategies implemented at regional and interregional level were shared. In this occasion our Euro-Med Charter, its objectives and mission have been presented to the other members of the task force.


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